Sophia Martinez

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Playroom Attic

Everything Has Its Place

Transition is abrupt. They are personified through liminal spaces, which can exist physically as a hallway or metaphorically as one person moves from one stage of their life to the next. I fantasize and enjoy the liminal energy of this energetic and whimsical playroom, however my attachment to familiarity and nostalgia can slow my motivation to grow into the person I need to be for myself. The monochrome attic space came to me in a dream where my memories relayed the inside of my elementary school gym. It was filled with a maze of cardboard boxes, objects concealed with sheets, and warm sunlight hinting to a world outside; implying a period of transition. Change is inevitable and can happen without expectation. It is also nonlinear, and I find myself returning to the things I love. The things I love and treasure define who I am, thus that childish nature is not lost in the past but rather a state of mind. There is nothing telling you that you should stay in one place, but with time you can learn the pattern and decide where you wish to be. Time reminds us there is a place for everything, where are you at?

irl demo


The reputation of abstract art is something that can intimidate or perplex the average audience, especially if they are not educated on how to perceive art and lack the knowledge for appreciating the levels behind abstract art. People would mock abstract art for its simplicity or that the viewer can replicate that artwork easily. The goal behind my project would be to guide the audience’s expectations through a 3D virtual art gallery that will help dispel a common misconception behind interpreting art: viewing art is an experience that doesn’t ask the audience for answers, only to connect and evoke a vibe.


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The popularity of creating liminal spaces using Blender has grown in popularity as of recently, and so I used Blender to create my assets and Adobe Substance Painter to paint textures onto the meshes. Then I finalized the build in Unity 2020 and executed a VR build for the show. You can access the space hosted on via browser » here