Soodie Sarooie

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Souls For Liberty

The idea for this project is to raise awareness regarding the obstacles women are facing in my country of origin Iran. There have been many uprisings and protests for the last three decades. However, in the last few months, the young generation of women have had the leading role in protesting and advocacy for democracy and equal rights. These protests rocked the country following the death of a 22 year old Mahsa Amini while in custody after being picked up by morality police for not having a proper Hijab. Many lost their lives, more than 500 people including 71 minors, and others have been taken into custody by security forces of the Islamic regime. Thousands more have been arrested in the crackdown with the judiciary giving the protesters severe sentences including the death penalty. “Women, Life, Freedom” is a slogan being used worldwide in solidarity with women and girls who are courageously protesting for their basic human rights. My exhibition is dedicated to these brave souls, many of them young women, who were fighting for freedom and justice.


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