Dark Labyrinth

The environment you live in, and the world you choose or are forced to witness, can deeply affect the human mind and body. What happens to the mind when experiencing all this negativity? What, in turn, happens to the body when the mind is corrupted by said negativity? This project sets out to explore a negative mind, one filled with nothing but the misery and suffering of the world, one where no matter where you go, it seems there is no way out.

Initial Draft Up

Initially, the viewer would be situated in a dark labyrinth, the only light barely lit with a red dim, the viewer, guided by the long passageways will be led to various rooms throughout the maze. These rooms will be filled with different video assets, detailing the cruelty found in this world. Poverty, crime, racial discrimination, death and famine - things typically ignored by social media will be constantly replayed in video format, looping as if that’s all the mind can think about.

The whole premise of this project would be situated in the mind, as negative thoughts erupts from within, it slowly corrupts and rots the brain. As such, I thought it would be fitting to have the labyrinth be inside a brain, which would obviously be a symbol of the mind.